Thursday, December 3


bahasa itu jiwa,
bahasa itu bangsa,
mulut pedas brbicara,
pandai brkata2..
tapi agak2,
akhirnyaa trmakan kata!


tahu masa? x..
masa itu ape? xtahu..
tahu hrgai masa? dah xtentu x..
belajarlah utk tahu menghargai..

kaku : bisu : diam seribu : buntu

jaga hati? buat ape?
jaga kata? perlu ke?
jaga jiwa? boleh ke?
smpai bila2 diam seribu bahasa...
lantas "selamat" sudahnya..

Sunday, November 22

mendirikan website

argh.. this sem a lil'bit relaX..
starting from 1week until today relax je byk..
but msuk this week,
BZ BZ BZ BZ.. im totally bz..
md-term, asgmnt n fyp2!
alamakk fyp, individual project laa..
database, ms dreamweaver, php "wat da bla..blaa..
dah lupe semua itu!

Saturday, November 7

i l o v e this song.. =D

since tgk cd im not single,
baru i tahu lagu ini kepunyaan siapa..
ia sgt brmakna..
enjoy the song and lyric!

Wednesday, November 4

omega 3 - fish oil

omega 3 - fish oil..
name yg slalu kite dngar..
skrng dah byk cmpuran omega 3 - fish oil dlm telur, hot dog and so on..
even vitamin pun dah lama ade jual omega 3 - fish oil..
dulu i duduk diam buat xtahu je ttg omega 3 - fish oil..
one day i dscover about health..
nowadays food mcm2..western, iranian, chinese.. mcm2 lagi lah..
all ppl mkn shj..but actually kene jaga ksihatan..
so i found benefits of omega 3 - fish oil :

1. Less Pain and Inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, have a very positive effect on your inflammatory response. Through several mechanisms, they regulate your body's inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis and anything else ending in "itis."

2. Cardiovascular Health. Omega 3 fatty acids have also been proven to work wonders for your heart and the miles and miles of arteries and veins that make up your cardiovascular system. They help to lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol. This adds years to your life expectancy.

3. Protection from Stroke and Heart Attack. When plaque builds up on arterial walls and then breaks loose, it causes what's known as a thrombosis, which is a fancy way of saying clot. If a clot gets stuck in the brain, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, it causes a heart attack. Research shows omega 3 fatty acids break up clots before they can cause any damage.

4. Better Brain Function and Higher Intelligence. Pregnant and nursing mothers can have a great impact on the intelligence and happiness of their babies by supplementing with fish oil. For adults, omega 3 improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus. You'll swear you're getting younger and smarter.

5. Less Depression and Psychosis. Making you smarter is not all omega 3 does for your brain. Psychiatry department researchers at the University of Sheffield, along with many other research studies, found that omega 3 fish oil supplements "alleviate" the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis

6. Lower Incidence of Childhood Disorders. Just to show how fish oil fatty acids leave nobody out, studies show that children (and adults) with ADD and ADHD experience a greatly improved quality of life. And those with dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders have gotten a new lease on life thanks to omega 3 oils.

7. Reduction of Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancer. And finally, omega 3 fish oil has been shown to help prevent three of the most common forms of cancer – breast, colon and prostate. Science tells us that omega 3s accomplish this in three ways. They stop the alteration from a normal healthy cell to a cancerous mass, inhibiting unwanted cellular growth and causing apoptosis, or cellular death, of cancer cells.

point num. 7 tu yg paling bagus..mmg kadang2 kite fikir, ala nk kene2 jugak!!

but at least we take an action to avoid..sekurang2-nya berusaha kan!

so now u can see the benefits of omega 3 - fish oil.. Let's start taking a good supplement!!!

Thursday, October 29

kelas owh kelas

this semester mmg best..
i only have 2 subjects..
1 paper and 1 project..
lega2.. selalunye short sem mesti 4 ke 5 subject..
syukur alhamdullilah..
nmpaknye this sem i harus+mesti+kene brtungkus lumus utk projects..
someone will help me in designing some features for the website..
thanks dear razo!